How To Start To Make Money With Clickbank – Step By Step For Beginners (2020)

In today’s video I’m going to show you how to start to make money with ClickBank. This is a step-by-step guide for beginners in 2020. I start first by showing you how to sign up for free with ClickBank. The next thing we need to do is to find an offer and I’m going to show you a few different ways and also my preferred method to find a good offer that converts with ClickBank. The next thing we need to have is of course an opt-in page because we want to drive traffic to that page so people can opt into our email list. (The money is in the list) We do need to have an autoresponder also so we can set up a follow-up sequence to promote offers to our email list again and again. And then we need of course traffic and I’m sharing with you 1 paid traffic source which is solo ads which works very good for make money online niche, and I also talk about free traffic sources like YouTube and Pinterest and also Free blogging platform like blogger or blogspot. It totally depends on the niche that you have selected and you want to promote an affiliate offer for.



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