5 Passive income ideas for beginners

Passive income!

Sounds like a great idea right?

Imagine waking up checking your emails and stats and realize that you made some money while you were sleeping. You didn’t have to be present and everything was working on autopilot.

That’s the beauty with passive income.

There is some initial work involved of course but once you set it up it works 24/7 on autopilot.

The big question is how do you get started with passive income especially as a beginner?

Is there more than just one way to make a passive income?

Truth is that there is more than just one way but today I want to share 5 passive income ideas that is the best and easiest to start with as a beginner online.

Let’s get started…



One way is that you can actually get started with e-commerce, drop shipping.

Drop shipping means that you don’t have to deal with shipping for the products it sells in stock. Instead, when you sell a product, it is shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product.

Shopify is the most popular platform to setup your e-commerce.

They have covered everything you need to get started with your store .

It is an online platform and basically all you need to do is upload photos of the products insert a description and the price and you’re ready to sell.

There is a free trial here you can have a closer look at it if this is something that interests you to get started with making a passive income online.


Selling Kindle books

To sell Kindle books is another passive income idea.

It’s really super easy to get started these days create a Kindle book upload it on Amazon and of course sell it there.

It totally depends if you have an expertise in something, let’s say that you are good in weight loss or something like that you can create your own Kindle book and actually get started and sell it.

But it’s not only about the weight loss  it can be anything at all fiction or non fiction books.

It totally depends on you and your writing style but absolutely another great way to make a passive income


Sell photos and videos online

This is another great passive income idea that has exploded the last years.

It is also very easy to get started with.

You can go to a platform like foap.com ,you upload your videos and photos and when a brand or an agency or anyone else likes and finds your work outstanding they purchase a video or a picture of yours and foap share the profit 50/50 with you.

The initial work is actually taking pictures and of course recording videos.

You can do it even with your smartphone, and of course if you have a more professional camera you should definitely use that instead.

There is a lot of opportunities here because you can upload the same content to othere sites like istockphoto.com or Shutterstock to give you 2 examples here.

There is a lot of other similar sites as well so don’t just rely on just one platform only but put them up on as many as possible.


Create and sell online courses.

This is another biggie.

People are hungry for knowledge and want to educate themselves in different areas every single day.

Many people don’t think they know enough about a topic to teach it, but the truth is, you don’t have to be an expert to create and sell an online course. You simply just need to know more than most.

I have actually created two courses to this days the first one is Daily list profits and it is about email list building and affiliate marketing.

I show you how you can get started to make $100 plus per day and the second one is Audiovideomastery where I show you how you can create audio and video productions like a pro.

It might require a little bit effort to set this up on a platform like warriorplus like I did but you can go to a platform like udemy.com

They have thousands of courses and once again don’t let it scare you that you haven’t come up with the idea first because people are uploading on a daily basis here and if you do it slightly better than the others you have a winner there.

The beauty with udemy.com you just create the course here and you upload the course. You don’t have to deal with copywriting, sales page and video sales letter.

There is also skillshare and teachable these are probably the most  three most popular platforms for uploading online courses.


Affiliate marketing

The fifth passive income idea is also one of my favorite method to start with as a beginner.

Benefits are that you don’t need to create a product, deal with shipping or anything like that .

All you need is actually grab an affiliate link for a product that you want to promote and drive traffic to that link and everytime someone purchases through your link you earn a commission.

There is a lot of ways that you can drive traffic to the links here both paid and free.

Two of the popular platforms to find products is Amazon and Clickbank.

Amazon has millions of products to promote and what I like about Amazon is that they do have a 24 hour cookie which means that if someone purchases a camera through your link but once they are there they might buy a watch also and you make a commission of that watch too.

Clickbank is the largest platform in digital products and also one of the easiest way to get started especially as a beginner.

You just go to the marketplace pick one of the categories there and you find a lot of products.

Pick one and just grab your affiliate link and you’re ready to promote.

A great free way to drive free traffic is you can go to Youtube and do a review video as I show you in the video eg
Ted’s Woodworking review.

You can do the same with Amazon products also.

The more specific your title is in your video the better.



I hope that with these five passive ideas for beginners you got some guidance and clearance.

A good option is that you start with something you like and are passionated with, Eg weight loss, from there the options are many as could see above.

Good luck!

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