3 Ways to Make Extra Money Online

Let’s Make Extra Money Online

Whether you’re searching for an online business to call your own, looking to supplement your current J-O-B income, or needing to make some changes in your financial situation, learning how to make extra money online is not as difficult as you might think.

Online or offline, there are ways that you can improve your cash flow and get going with generating an online income. Let’s look at three ways you can make extra money online with little to small cost to start.

No Cost Way To Start

Getting started with an online enterprise to make extra money online without costing you anything in the beginning lures many people. You can learn about how to advertise, sell, and make connections online, and at the same time add some income to your wallet.

1) Clean out your garage, attic, and house of unwanted and not needed items, then list those items on local classified ad sources such as Craigslist, Backpage, or free newspaper. There is no cost to list on many classified sites and your profit is totally yours to keep. Be sure to research typical selling prices for the items you wish to list and price them accordingly.

2) Use auction sites like EBay to sell items that perhaps might have more value or interest where you could make extra money online with a larger audience. Amazon is a good place for media (books, CDs, video games, etc) and have a very large audience.

Both EBay and Amazon do take a commission from your sales and Amazon actually subsidizes your shipping charges.

3) Use micro job sites such as Fiverr to offer a product or service. Many online entrepreneurs found these micro job sites to be tremendous in starting their internet businesses and make extra money online while they learned the intricacies of building a business, providing excellent customer service, marketing their products/services, and becoming an authority in their niche.

Affiliate Marketing – Low to Medium Start Up Costs

make extra money online

The second most popular way to make extra money online is to connect with affiliate marketing opportunities, which can be found in hundreds of different places online. Affiliate marketing is simply the business of advertising, marketing, and driving traffic to the product or service that someone else has developed. You, as the advertiser, earn commissions for any sales that are made through your affiliate link.

Affiliate marketing programs come in many shapes, sizes and colors 🙂 You are sure to find something that appeals to you, your knowledge and/or your chosen niche.

Network Marketing – Low to High Cost Start Up

Network and affiliate marketing are often quite similar. Network marketing tends to include a more substantial program or opportunity to both the subscriber/member and the affiliate who joins the affiliate program attached to the business opportunity.

Network marketing does require you to be paying some form of a monthly fee to use the product or service, may include an affiliate fee (giving you the right to resell the product and possibly the use of a merchant processing system), but has the added benefit of extensive training, advertising media options, dashboard contact manager systems within the program, and networking opportunities with other affiliates and members.

If you’re looking to make extra money online, you want to align yourself with a strong opportunity that has positive authority within the internet marketing world through the value provided in their system. Looking at network marketing systems that offer products or services that a large portion of people need and provide a solution to someone’s struggle is your best bet for choosing a good place to start.

You will find that many online entrepreneurs need a few regular products: website and hosting, lead and traffic generation, and an auto responder to stay in touch with their leads and team. Building a business or marketing products and services that provide a solution to these needs is one way to make extra money online.



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